Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fining Nemo Cake

This cake was my crowning achievement at the time. I created this monster for my 2 year old's birthday. He is an adorable and demanding little person. When I asked him, "what do you want for your birthday cake", I was met with a very loud and resounding "PISHIES!!!". My little guy loves fish and while he has never actually developed the attention span to sit through "Finding Nemo" in it's entirety, he is a fan and immediately recognized the characters. I also added an extra challenge for myself by trying my first attempt at a Topsy Turvy cake. This is not for the faint of heart. Those of you that would like to brave it, I have attached a pretty useful link on You Tube that will help give you a general idea of how to go about it.
The cake was a very good rendition, if I do say so myself, of the famous "Charm City Cakes" pumpkin chocolate chip with cream cheese butter cream as well as a death by chocolate layer. These two cakes, because of their density, made carving much easier. I also make ALL my ingredients from scratch so the fondant was marshmallow based and the butter cream flavors were all personal creations.
My little guy will still come to me on an almost weekly basis and ask to see his "birthday pishies". I am happy I could make my little man so happy and this cake taught me a lot about how cake can both make you laugh and cry.

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